Saturday, June 26, 2010

Alaska: Day 1

I'm back from my Alaskan cruise so I thought that I'd share some of the pictures I'd taken.

Sorry that the "N" is cut off the word Norwegian.

Our cabin equipped with a balcony.

The cruise's decks offered a nice view of the Seattle skyscrapers.

The Oasis Pool: Swimming? In Alaska? Burrr...

A gorgeous view of the sunset from our cabin.

Off to our next stop: Ketchikan, Alaska.


  1. Your cruise had waterslides??? Lucky! I love the sunset and Seattle pictures too. Did it rain in Ketchikan while you were there? (Apparently it rains there like 99% of the time, but luckily when I was there, it wasn't raining so I could go ziplining!)

    And I like your new blog background too. ;)

  2. Lucky! I wanted to go ziplining also but my mom was afraid so we didn't. I don't think it rained. And thank you. :D
